To those who march today:::
Stay strong.

Take care of each other.
Know that in the frequency of your united energies, you are a force more powerful than can be measured. They know this.
You have united because of your frustration, but you must also unite in LOVE if you truly want changes.
In SCIENCE the frequency of love and compassion is higher than the frequency of hate and fear. Stay focused, don't give into chaos.
Remember:: Many of the police are parents, help them remember to have empathy.
Stay vigilant, watch out for each other. What you say and what you do matters.
I don't know how any mother can turn away from this and not do something to help you. For the ones who choose apathy I will personally curse their existence.
We are all responsible for this, we are all responsible for changing it.
Unite for change, break the divisions between us, black white, rich, poor. It is time to close the gap.