American Lawmakers, we the people urge acti0n for laws that provide equal rights for all. #MenToo

To my readers,: thank you for, your time, attentions, and helping more male victims find peace and justice::.
Please like, comment and share because that's the way important issues like this gets noticed.. much gratitude:: Since our beginning, we have been divided yet similar. Gender division and identification can even be found in plant physiology. No, plants don’t have a brain, but they do have a simplified nervous system. They have been studied and documented sending signals to other plants. Some will debate that gender inequality began the moment our nervous system started functioning and filtering information long before the iron age. The human brain has always been endowed with the ability to divide, organize, and categorize information in order to manage our interaction with society, our environment, and our bodies better. Based on the information, we've been taught how to treat girls different than boys by our own bodies. The equality has gone invisible. In fact no matter how much one intends to be fair and unbiased on gender division, complete equality is against the will of nature. We are in a way, neurologically programmed to be biased and segregated because that's how all life is created, one cell dividing itself. Hostility, and blame, should not be laid into anyone’s hands. Our bodies were made different. Beginning as toddlers, both males and females learn to treat their own bodies differently when the time comes for them to be potty trained. For the longest time, we have automatically believed male traits to be one way and female traits the other. The problem comes when ppl actively and consciously begin adding small, damaging social changes. Small, problematic changes allowed to go uncorrected turn into massive social problems. The information from the media we absorb has an influence over our social environment, and decisions we make as well. Equality and human rights is something that has been sought after, yet not achieved for far too long. Even before our earliest era of the twentieth century, society accepted violence and abuse as a normal everyday occurrence in the family home setting. In some countries and states, they even had a law stating that a man could beat his wife with a stick as long as the stick was under a certain length and thickness. Violence and abuse was acknowledged and accepted in advertisements, newspapers, comic pages, radio, and eventually on TV. Unfortunately, once we allow toxic behavior like this to be this widely accepted, it keeps getting harder for us to change toxic social situations shaping our cultures around the globe. Children watch the way we behave towards ourselves and toward each other, in order to learn how to be the kind of person they become. Normally when we think of gender equality, we immediately think of women's rights, and their struggles to effectively establish themselves within our society. When we think of domestic violence and abuse, it is no less different. Throughout history, the fact that women's right have gotten more attention and assistance than men's rights is clear by its success. I myself am a 2-time survivor of domestic violence and abuse. One was clinically diagnosed with narcissistic personality disorder by an ex marriage counselor. I now have PTSD so severe that is going to have to take a machine to be cured. I do not hold any grudges or resentment towards my two exes because like over half of the cases recorded, they were the survivors of child abuse. They are the product of failed mental health care. If it doesn’t get addressed, the toxic cycles are passed socially from one generation to the next . As I was researching, I was astonished to discover how little information, and resources for male domestic abuse victims is out there. I do not consider myself a feminist, but I do extend my support to both women’s rights and to Domestic Violence and Abuse awareness. Before I decided to write this I, like most believed the myth that there were much more violent and abusive acts towards women than there are men. I was quite surprised to realize that they are in fact almost tied. :::::::::::::::::::over 40% of abuse survivors are Men:::::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::::::::::::::::1 in 3 women and 1 in 4 men have been through some form of physical violence by an intimate partner. This includes a range of behaviors (e.g. slapping, shoving, pushing) along with other forms of abuse, .::::::::::::::::::::::::::" From <> I am disabled because of domestic violence and abuse, both mentally and physically. I'm looking into back surgery to see if it's worth it. I'm also the proud mother of two sons. I am a firm believer in gender equality because, mutual respect between men and women is a vital necessity in order to achieve a positive outcome in relationships. I believe the same can be said about the social behavior traits we pick and choose. I sympathize with women and what we have to put up with on a daily basis. I have to deal with sexist remarks all the time. I am also respectful of the hardships that were endured by our ancestry, grateful for the legislations that protect us. And now with your consideration, I'd like to propose that new actions be taken. Now that women's rights has been progressing, getting resources, funding, and assistance, it is time to put a litigation in place for male abuse survivors, to get funding, resources, and assistance. After the days and hours of research I did on domestic violence and abuse victims, I was disappointed to find such little amounts of resources there are for men who were abused. I think it is long overdue that something more be done to protect male victims of domestic abuse and violence. We must ensure that more grants, and funds are given to appropriate organizations if we want successful positive results influencing Earth's future generations. :::::::::::::::::::::One in every five victims of forced marriage is a man (19%) based on calls to the Forced Marriage Unit.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: From my research, I found out that there are currently only 1200 domestic violence and abuse shelters estimated in the United States set up for male survivors. I went through the first five or six pages of google search. Finding only a mere handful of resources in my country's region for men, I was very saddened. On one website, I read that male domestic violence and abuse survivors, who were sometimes accompanied by their kids, were getting turned away because the domestic violence and abuse shelters were only accommodated to be set up for female survivors. In one case a female abuser called to get help with her anger problem, and the local domestic violence center “tried to convince her that she was a victim and not a perpetrator.” ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::11% of men, compared to 6% of women — have reported being falsely accused.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::From <http://www.prosecutorin Because of false allegations, it has come to the attention of the public that the voices of real women who are survivors of domestic violence and abuse are being ignored, unvalidated, and misinterpreted, by companies who ignorantly choose the wrong kind of people to become a toy for little kids. False accusations can have severe consequences for the victim’s physical and mental health, potentially leading to depression, post-traumatic stress symptoms, and poor physical health, and even suicide. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::In 2017/18, 11% of male victims of partner abuse (7.2% women) had tried to take their own lives.:::::::::::::::::
When false accusations against male victims becomes the norm, when we allow it to mislead the impressionable; the abused men who are honest and sincere, stop asking for help. As my youngest daughter and son grow up, I watch in disappointment and anguish at the way men and women are being treated throughout our global society. The battle to be the more dominant gender is causing a lot of damage. The mental health of all genders suffers, and the toxic social cycle continues. It's a reoccurring, gruesome power struggle, and both sides are losing. After Johnny Depp won his case against his ex-wife, it inspired and encouraged more admirable men to either speak out about being falsely accused, or to admit they also had an abusive ex-wife or partner. All through history, most men have been taught that they are to be the strongest in the family. Some of these influences, are from generations of paper, TV, and radio advertising we have been absorbing. Whether it was meant to or not, media, manipulates our social behavior and the choices we make. Behavior awareness and healthy mental health can be achieved, when a person commits to self-reflection, healing, and improving their overall health. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::On a typical day, there are more than 20,000 phone calls placed to domestic violence hotlines nationwide.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::From <> Media and marketing fortunately, can also be used to spread awareness. Because of that, we are finally realizing how important our mental health is in sustaining harmonious interactions with each other and society as a whole. We have been growing more aware that media influence combined with social behavior and reaction, makes an impressive impact on our varied global culture's successes, or failures. The majority of domestic violence shelters and domestic abuse resources, receive their funding from government grants. These grants are administered by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. (HHS) Our govt created this…Family Violence Prevention and Services Act, which makes the grantees barred from engaging in gender discrimination. Ultimately, these standards and requirements apply to and affect everyone. The penalties for violating these requirements, probably cost a lot more than what most people can afford. "Children who have been either the victim or witness domestic violence and abuse in the home, are much more likely to have physical and mental health problems as they age. They face a higher risk of suicide and of getting in trouble with the law. If they are themselves the victims of a traumatic event, their growth is stunted from it. From <> ::::::::::::::::::::::::1 in 15 children are exposed to domestic violence and abuse each year, and 90% of these children are eyewitnesses to this violence.:::::::::::::::::::From <> :::::::::::::::::::Researchers have estimated, that between 3.3 million and 10 million children are exposed to adult domestic violence each year. From < In 2000, Senator Orrin Hatch issued a statement. The Senator said, that congress never intended to exclude male survivors of abuse from getting resources or more shelters opened. Sadly, many male survivors have been told that they didn’t qualify for assistance and temporary housing provided by domestic abuse shelters.
Receiving benefits and services under the Violence Against Women Act, was created specifically for the needs of female abuse survivors. Sen. Joni Ernst once inexplicably described her VAWA reauthorization bill as one that puts the “wellbeing of women and children of sexual and domestic violence first." One interesting thing I found through my research, is that The Violent Against Women Act that political leaders voted in, uses key words and phrases like, ‘domestic violence’ and ‘sexual assault, in order to determine eligibility for many of the grant programs, including some of the largest federal grants. In regards to many of the facts and statistics presented, myself and others agree that the budget for programs, grants and funding for domestic violence shelters and resources needs to be immediately reevaluated, and be distributed more equally regarding to all ages and genders victimized by domestic violence and abuse. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::1 in 4 women and 1 in 9 men experience severe physical domestic violence and abuse, sexual violence, stalking with impacts such as injury, fearfulness, and post-traumatic stress disorder..::::::::::::: From <> All learned behavior begins in the home. Our interaction with larger society eventually enters our lives and plays its part into shaping each human individual's future outcome. I would like to see our country continue to strive for positive progress. We have broken government system, because we are a broken society. Now that we have established that there is a need for it, now that we have learned the important, necessary role mental health has on our overall health and behavior in society, now that we have learned that the amount of reported domestic violence and abuse cases are almost equal between men and women; what should be done next is to rewrite, or create a new legislative Act to protect male abuse survivors and their children. This will ensure that they receive fair funding for treatment, resources, and shelters for men equally, so that everyone is getting better care. The growing amount of domestic violence, abuse and false accusations is a pressing issue that we must strive to solve and improve in order to achieve a more healthy and productive society. If we can achieve more healthy, productive, personal relationships, we will achieve a more healthy and productive society. If we can achieve a more healthy and productive society, we will succeed in achieving a better working government system. In closing, I truly hope our government will take this issue seriously, and choose to take action now. Gender rights and equality should be something that everyone on the planet is entitled to. Thank You Lare'va Lemorte